14 Mart 2018 Çarşamba

Crochet Bunny Headband - A Free Pattern

I am so ready for Spring to be here and with Easter around the corner, these headbands are perfect for both! 

These work up fast (I feel I say that on EVERY pattern I make, but that is probably because I like patterns that I can have done fairly quickly). It's my go to!

To make a bunny headband you will need a 1-inch wide headband (don't worry if you have a wider or narrower one, we can adjust). 

I found the ones I used at Walmart in the girls' department, they came in a 6-pack for only $3!

The best thing about this headband is that it uses hardly any yarn and is a great way to work through your scrap stash.

This would be a sweet gift or item at a craft fair and pairs well with the Berry Patch Bunny!

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An ad-free printable version can be purchased for a small amount in my Etsy or Ravelry shop.

You may make and sell items made from this pattern but please do not sell, share or reproduce the actual pattern. If you sell finished items online (Etsy, etc) please provide a link to the pattern and credit to me as the designer. Thank you!

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  • Worsted weight (size 4) yarn in color of your choice for the bunny and flowers
  • 3.5 mm and 5.00 mm crochet hook (these are my favorite brand of hooks!)
  • Scissors
  • Tapestry needle
  • Headband- I used a 1-inch wide headband (I will give instructions on how to alter if you have a different size on hand)

US Abbreviations-

MC- Magic circle

SC- Single crochet

SC INC- SC increase

INV DEC- Invisible decrease

DC- Double crochet

Sl st- Slip stitch

Let's hop to it!

Headband- With 3.5 mm hook

To start the headband make a magic circle with 10 SC, pull tight to close. You will want to tie a knot to secure your magic circle, this will prevent it from coming open once the headband is placed inside. We will be working in a continuous round without joining.

Rounds 1-70: SC around (10 SC)

We are making a tube to insert the headband into. If you have a wider or narrower headband adjust the number of SC in the magic circle accordingly. Example, if your headband is wider try 12 SC, if your headband in narrower try 8 SC.

We all crochet with a different tension, while my tube needed to be 70 rows to cover my headband yours may need less or more. Feel free to test it out from time to time to see how it fits!

When your tube is long enough insert your headband and sew closed. This is very similar to closing a hat or amigurumi. Weave your tapestry needle in and out of the stitches until you reach where you started, pull tight to close the circle and secure.

Ears- Make 2

With 3.5 mm hook

Round 1: Make a magic circle with 8 SC

Round 2: SC around (8 SC)

Round 3: SC in the first stitch and SC INC in the next, repeat around (12 SC)

Rounds 4-6: SC around (12 SC)

Round 7: SC in the first 2 stitches, SC INC in the next, repeat around (16 SC)

Round 8: SC around (16 SC)

Round 9: SC in the first 3 stitches, SC INC in the next, repeat around (20 SC)

Rounds 10-21 SC around (20 SC)

Fold your ear in half and SC across the top (this will help keep the ears from flopping forward or backward)

Sew both ears onto the headband evenly apart as pictured below. Use the SC across the top to sew through on each side. I also sewed up into the ear and back down twice on each side of each ear, keeping the stitch on the inside so it's not noticeable.

The roses for this headband are from my Easy Crochet Rose Tutorial (which comes as a right and left handed tutorial). We will be using the small rose.

Small Rose- Make 3

With 5.00 mm hook

Chain 24

Row 1: DC in the 2nd chain from hook, ch 1, DC in the same chain, ch 1, skip the next chain, *V-stitch in the next chain, ch 1, and skip the next chain* Repeat this through to the end of the chain, ending with a V-stitch. You will have 12 V-stitches and 11 chain 1 spaces in-between

Row 2: Chain 1 and turn, complete 5 DCs in the first V-stitch (this is your first petal), slip stitch into the chain 1 space, *repeat 5 DCs in the V-stitches and slip stitch into the chain 1 spaces for a total of 5 petals, complete the next 5 petals with 4 DCs each and slip stitch in between, the last 2 petals with have 3 DCs in each

Fasten off leaving a long tail to sew it together

Starting with the side having the long tail, start to roll your petals together into a circle as pictured below, with your needle push through the first petal to the bottom of the flower. Then sew through each layer back and forth to secure each of the petals in place, fasten off

Your small rose is done, now you only need 2 more!

Sew your flowers onto the headband. I started with the middle and aligned the others right next to it on either side.

Whew! We're done! I hope you and your little one(s) enjoy this fun Spring headband as much as I did! Feel free to share pictures with us on Facebook, we'd love to see them!

Thank you for visiting,


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